A:this book is two dollars
3.for walking in the mountains,always wear...shoes or....
4. a pronoun that is used to indicate possession or ownership is called as....
5.soft shoes can be dangerous for.....activity
6.the bicycles were.....so they rode them home after school.the right possessive pronoun is...
7.look at the below sentences using apostrophe,write down the functions of the apostrophe!!!
a.he isn't my Newhew
b.I found maria's watch on the floor.
8.write the right sentences using apostrophe from the sentences below!!
a the geeses legs are short and white.
b.the boys shirt are really New
tolong bantuin jawab
jawab yang bener gk boleh asal-asalan yang asalan saya blok
tolong dijawab yang benar
1.what do you use to ask the price for plural nouns?
How much are those?
2.Q: How much is this book?
A:this book is two dollars
3.for walking in the mountains, always wear safety shoes or thick jacket.
4. a pronoun that is used to indicate possession or ownership is called as a Possessive Pronoun
5.soft shoes can be dangerous for hiking activity
6.the bicycles were .... so they rode them home after school.the right possessive pronoun is theirs (because the subject is "they", so the possessive pronoun is "theirs")
7.look at the below sentences using apostrophe, write down the functions of the apostrophe!!!
a.he isn't my Nephew = The function is to abbreviate is not = isn't
b.I found maria's watch on the floor. = The function is to show possession
8.write the right sentences using apostrophe from the sentences below!!
a the geeses legs are short and white.
the geese's legs are short and white.
b.the boys shirt are really new
the boys' shirts are really new
the boy's shirts are really new
Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Possessions (kepemilikan) dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Subject Possessive Pronouns
I Mine
You Yours
We Ours
They Theirs
He His
She Hers
It It
1.apa yang kamu gunakan untuk menanyakan harga kata benda jamak?
Berapa harganya itu?
2.Q: Berapa harga buku ini?
A: buku ini dua dolar
3.untuk jalan-jalan di pegunungan, selalu pakai sepatu safety / sepatu keselamatan atau jaket tebal.
4. kata ganti yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan kepemilikan atau kepemilikan disebut sebagai kata ganti posesif / kata ganti kepemilikan
5.sepatu lembut bisa berbahaya untuk aktivitas hiking (mendaki, biasanya mendaki gunung)
6. sepeda itu .... jadi mereka mengendarainya pulang sepulang sekolah. kata ganti posesif yang tepat adalah milik mereka (karena subjeknya adalah "mereka", jadi kata ganti posesif adalah "miliknya")
7.perhatikan kalimat di bawah ini yang menggunakan tanda kutip, tuliskan fungsi tanda kutip!!!
a.he isn't my Nephew = Fungsinya untuk menyingkat is not menjadi isn't
b.Aku menemukan jam tangan maria di lantai. = Fungsinya untuk menunjukkan kepemilikan
8.tulislah kalimat yang benar menggunakan apostrof dari kalimat di bawah ini!!
a the geeses legs are short and white.
the geese's legs are short and white. Untuk menyatakan kepemilikan, kita pakai tanda apostrof dan huruf s, menjadi ('s)
b.the boys shirt are really new
the boys' shirts are really new ini jika jumlah anak lelakinya banyak, jadi hanya memakai tanda apostrof saja karena kata boys sudah diakhiri huruf s
the boy's shirts are really new ini jika jumlah anak lelakinya hanya satu, jadi ditambahkan ('s) untuk menandakan kepemilikan
Semoga membantu ya.